Back School and Gym


Ostéopathie grossesse et bébé

Back school

Back pain is not the end of the world. If you have lumbago, sciatica, a slipped disc or some other back problem, follow our advice on how to prevent back problems, which is given out during our back gym sessions. 

How can you adjust your work position to reduce tension in the back as far as possible? What positions to adopt when you spend three-quarters of the day standing up? These are questions that we ask when faced with patients suffering, among other things, back pain.

We will suggest exercises that are specific to your requirements and your needs to achieve comprehensive and harmonising results. We will also suggest what you can do so that these problems cease to occur.

On prescription, treatment is coverd by basic medical insurance.

Back gym

Gymnastics courses for the back, aimed at people who are suffering or who have suffered back pain, combining a muscle workout with relaxation exercises so that you learn to adopt a good posture and protect your back, until it becomes almost second nature. Muscle up your back and avoid poor posture through muscular strengthening and mobility exercises.

Regular attendance on the course will eliminate upper and lower back pain.

Sign up, for your well-being and your back's!

On prescription, treatment is covered by basic medical insurance.

Cabinet Beatrix Weis Ayari - lombago, sciatique, hernie
Cabinet Beatrix Weis Ayari - douleur au dos
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