

Geneva-based Cabinet Beatrix Weis-Ayari - a team of five multilingual physiotherapists

Cabinet Beatrix Weis Ayari - Taping

Treatment for muscles, bones and joints

With a team of five committed physiotherapists who undergo regular training so that they can offer the best available treatment whatever the case may be, our practice guarantees to provide you with real and lasting pain relief.

Our area of expertise is prevention and the promotion of good health, evaluation, diagnostics, treatment and re-education in order to improve your physical functions and movement.

Our target is to maintain and re-establish optimal physical functions by using specific manual therapies, exercises, massages, thermotherapy (heat therapy), electrotherapy (muscular/sensory stimulation, ultrasound, etc.), and taping. Our physiotherapists regularly treat a whole host of conditions, whether recent or chronic, linked to the musculoskeletal system (bones, muscles and joints), neurological and cardiorespiratory systems, problems with balance and coordination, feeling, strength, proprioception, etc.

  • Plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, sprained ligaments, tendonitis, bursitis, capsulitis, torn muscles, tennis elbow, whiplash, torticollis (wry neck), neck pain, back pain and lower back pain, slipped discs, problems with posture, urinary incontinence, dizziness, vestibular disorders, arthritis, osteoarthritis, etc. 
  • Injuries linked to workplace or road accidents
  • Rehabilitation pre-/post-orthopaedic surgery 
  • Following pregnancy and for babies

We are passionate about getting our patients back to optimum fitness.

Manual therapy

Manual osteopathic therapy is a physiotherapy specialty that we practise. After examination, evaluation and rigorous analysis of the dysfunctional movement in the neuro-musculoskeletal system, we apply highly specialised treatment strategies including manual and osteopathic techniques and therapeutic exercises, drawing on our clinical knowledge.

Trigger points

This is a neuromuscular therapy whose aim is to unknot the trigger points inside the muscles. It is a useful addition to massage therapy, particularly for clients suffering from muscle and joint discomfort.

On prescription, treatment is covered by basic health insurance.

Cabinet Beatrix Weis Ayari - kinésio taping

Pediatric physiotherapy

Physiotherapy for children concens newborn babies just a few days old to 18-year-old adolescents. This is a comprehensive treatment that covers all sorts of areas such as:

  • respiratory conditions (bronchiolitis, infant asthma, asthma, etc.)
  • delay and problems in motor skills development (delay in learning to walk, walking on tiptoe, etc.) 
  • problems in development (cranial asymmetry/plagiocephaly, congenital torticollis)
  • problems with coordination and balance 
  • orthopaedic conditions in infants (varus/valgus foot deformity, club foot, arthrogryposis (multiple joint contractures), etc.) 
  • orthopaedic conditions in older children and traumatic or sports injuries (sprains, fractures, Osgood-Schlatter syndrome, Sever's disease, scoliosis, congenital dislocation, patella femoral syndrome, growing pains, tendinopathy, etc.), 
  • post-operative rehabilitation 
  • treatment of scars and burns 
  • prevention of problems with posture.

On prescription, treatment is covered by basic health insurance.

Physiotherapy during and after pregnancy

If you are pregnant and suffering back or leg pain, etc., physiotherapy can help bring you relief through massage techniques, movement, relaxation, and of course with no risk to your baby.

It goes without saying that pregnancy is not an illness, but it can have consequences for your body. With physiotherapy, you can recover the "potential health" you had before your pregnancy, allowing you to be more available for your child and have no anxieties about a future pregnancy.

We can help and advise in the following, for example:

  • leg pain, varicose veins and/or oedema,
  • joint pain or muscle pain along the spinal column,
  • tension at the bottom of the stomach associated with the weight and position of your baby
  • (also with wearing a lap belt),
  • all problems with incontinence, due to weakness in the perineal muscles 
  • problems linked to hormonal changes and/or labour during delivery
  • (possible episiotomy),
  • problems with posture in the event of a caesarean section, etc.

On prescription, treatment is covered by basic health insurance.

Cabinet Beatrix Weis Ayari - thérapie manuelle

Manual lymphatic drainage

This is a gentle massage technique designed to stimulate the return of peripheral lymphatic fluid (oedema) and to detox the body while reinforcing the immune system.

On prescription, treatment is covered by basic health insurance.
The price for lymphatic drainage without a medical prescription is
CHF 50 per 30-minute session


Footballers have them on their ankles, athletes have all sorts of colours in spirals on their joints, and the injured have a beige bandage over their injury … Taping or adhesive athletic bands, which come in all sorts of shapes and colours, are becoming more and more popular and visible, as much among sportspeople as among patients coming out of a physiotherapy appointment. Their use is very varied and depends on the material and the goal in mind.

Cabinet Weis - Le taping

Neuro-proprioceptive taping or therapeutic Kinesio taping

This taping is the latest to come on the market. The adhesive band comes in all sorts of colours, is elastic and waterproof, and its undulating acrylic adhesive acts in response to heat. Because of its elasticity, it is possible to form curves with this type of tape! A number of companies produce this type of tape and some have unique features. For example: elasticity in more than one direction, pre-cut shapes to aid application. Using this taping has three aims, depending on the method of application:

Taping Servette

1. To facilitate or reduce the activity of a specific muscle to try and correct movement in the body 

2. To lessen pain locally 

3. To lessen inflammation by increasing the lymphatic drainage: specific to massage therapy, concentrating on manual lymphatic drainage in people with a muscle or joint injury or after surgery

The advantages of this type of taping are durability (three to five days), being waterproof, versatility and speed of application, with its elasticity allowing you to maintain optimum freedom of movement.


If you think that taping could help you, speak to one of the physiotherapists at Physio Servette. They will be able to advise whether it is a technique which would suit you and will be able to choose depending on your personal characteristics. 

Finally, don't forget that taping is only one of a number of techniques in the therapeutic armoury from which physiotherapists can help you!

Treatment covered by health/accident/disability insurance

Treatment provided by your physiotherapist is reimbursed by insurance companies on the basis of a list of recognised services. Treatment can be extended on medical advice.

International/foreign insurance

Illness or accident: anyone insured from abroad can benefit from physiotherapy at our practice if medically prescribed. Each session is to be paid for on its completion. We will provide a receipt stamped as "paid" that the patient can use to obtain reimbursement from their health insurance company.

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Cabinet Beatrix Weis Ayari - Physio Genève
Cabinet Beatrix Weis Ayari - Physiothérapie Genève

Treatment provided by your physiotherapist is reimbursed by insurance companies on the basis of a list of recognised services. Treatment can be extended on medical advice.

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